Welcome to the New Age of Success in Real Estate


Next Level Coach

With over 25 years of elite coaching experience, Chirstopher John has helped clients increase their sales by tens of millions of dollars. He is a master of mindset transformation, and is relentless in his pursuit of each client’s success.

It's Your Program, Not Mine

Not a cookie cutter program...Together we build a custom, complete program around YOU.

In Your Program, Success Includes

  1. Increasing your profitability
  2. Knowing your numbers and how to leverage them
  3. Mastering your database
  4. Effective lead generation
  5. Mindset mastery and elimination of stress
  6. Increased work-home balance
  7. Doing it your way, based on your specific situation, personality, and needs

Your Coaches' Relentless Focus

  1. Finding elite real estate practices, processes, and structures that fit you
  2. Aligning every aspect of your business with your passions and values
  3. Maximizing what a profitable business “your way” looks like
  4. Giving you total control of your time and making it work for you
  5. Building your business without spending more money
  6. Increasing your energy levels and eliminating burnout
  7. Building a happy, fulfilling life without sacrificing results in your business

Our Simple, Effective Process

  1. Assess every aspect of your business
  2. Clarify your passions, strengths, and unique situation
  3. Customize a business plan with elite real estate practices, that fits you 
  4. Track results, data, and analytics
  5. Create and evolve structures of support and accountability
  6. implement daily and weekly practices that stack the deck in your favor and make your program work for you

Why We Do It This Way

  1. Because there are a lot of coaching programs for struggling agents. But now established real estate professionals can get higher-level coaching
  2. Those who want to be the best don’t have time for a canned approach
  3. Our extensive background and skillset allow us to generate an extremely effective customized plan for every client
  4. Elite agents have to master both skills and mindset. You get experts in both areas because one without the other is never enough

Customized Coaching

Learn about Christopher

This Coaching Program is by Application Only

Membership in our Total Success Elite Real Estate Coaching Program is held to strict standards. Every member of our teams must have a strong hunger for success, a willingness to be coached, and must demonstrate an ability to generate results. We provide elite-level coaching, but we also ensure our teams are filled with high-end, supportive individuals.